
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Back on Board

I love being back on the boat, even though we are still tied up at the marina dock. It's a joy to start each day when I can gaze out the pilothouse window to enjoy a sunrise like this one. Hmmm, remind me I said that after it has been gray, wet and windy for a few weeks. NW spring weather is predictably changeable, sometimes minute to minute.

The first few meals on board are always a challenge of making do with what we've got - in the cooler, in the freezer or in the pantry. The sourdough pot came along with me, so pancakes were on the menu for breakfast number one. Frozen lentil soup took care of lunch, and I defrosted a container of chicken gumbo for dinner. How nice of me to leave some frozen entrees during our February visit. 

An avocado from home teamed up with a tin of smoked kippers from the pantry to top my breakfast toast today. The Capt. just rolled his eyes at my generous offer to share and headed for a box of cereal. Boring.

Now I really need to take inventory, build a small shopping list and walk to the grocery. I'll postpone any major provisioning until after the haul out, when we are ready to refloat. Until then I get to cook lightly onboard, and then in a motel kitchenette for a couple of weeks. 


  1. Not fair to mention sourdough pancakes when you are so far away. I miss those yummy things. hmmmm I can taste them now.


  2. Comment about your food blog. All of the photos are great (especially since I am kind of hungry right now)....However, beyond salivating and thinking how good that food looks, I am a bit dispondent (sp?).....see, all of your recipes have far too many ingredients and time for me....Have you heard of the cookbooks....Six ingredients or less (sometimes 4 ingredients)....that's my cooking.


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