
Friday, April 22, 2011

Kale and Egg Skillet

Green eggs and ham? No, not quite, but the tang of fresh kale and the comforting smoothness of a poached egg did please my palate this morning. Incredulous at this breakfast item, RL opted for fruit and coffee, insisting that kale only belongs at lunch or dinner. 

Leftovers-for-Breakfast is one of my favorite things, a new possibility every day. Opening the refrigerator door each morning to search for interesting ingredients is much more fun than reaching for a box of cereal. I'll occasionally wake up thinking about steel-cut oatmeal or sourdough waffles, but today I had kale on my mind. Last night's side dish of kale with raisins, onions and white balsamic vinegar called to me as I romped down the stairs to the kitchen.

Poached egg atop a frisee salad with bacon and croutons is a dish I enjoy, and tasty kale made sense as a substitution. I skipped the usual bacon and bread in the standard dish, in the name of healthier eating, and added a layered strawberry and honey-flavored Greek yogurt parfait to the menu. Ooh, didn't I feel virtuous for incorporating healthy choices and tasty leftovers all in the same meal.

Don't you love the vibrant colors of these two dishes? a beautiful start to a sunny Spring day in Seattle. 

 Following is the braised kale recipe that prompted this breakfast dish.

Stovetop Braised Kale
1 small bunch kale; washed, cut from stem, roughly chopped 
1/4 cup onion, medium dice
1/8 cup raisins, currants, sultanas or dried cranberries
A drizzle or two of white balsamic vinegar (red wine vinegar will do)
Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Heat a few tablespoons of water in a non-stick skillet (or use a tablespoon or two of olive oil) and add the onions. Cook over medium heat until the onions soften, but don't brown.
  2. Add the raisins and about 1/2 cup water; bring to a boil and add the chopped kale all at once. Cover the skillet, reduce heat to a simmer, and steam and simmer away until kale wilts. You want it softened, but not mushy! Stir and toss once or twice while it cooks, so the crisp top pieces change places with the softened bottom pieces.
  3. Remove the lid, drizzle the vinegar over the greens, toss to mix and cook over a medium-high heat briefly until the liquid is reduced. Season to taste and serve.

Kale with Egg
Several TBS water or 1 whoosh of olive oil cooking spray
2 TBS onion, diced
2 cups braised kale with raisins
1 large egg

  1. Heat the water in a small skillet over medium heat. Cook the onions until softened. Add the kale and cook, covered, until warm. Stir occasionally to heat the kale evenly. 
  2. When the kale is heated, use a spoon to create a depression in the middle of the greenery. Break an egg into this spot, adding salt and pepper if desired. Cover and reduce the heat to low. Cook until  the egg is done to your preference. Cooking time will vary accordingly. (I like the white just set and the yolk runny) 
  3. Use a spatula to loosen and slide onto a plate or bowl. (This is a good time to add Cajun Sunshine or your favorite hot sauce!) 

1 comment:

  1. I love your recipes. I am making your crab enchiladas tonight for Father's Day. Thanks for posting. Everything looks amazing.


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