
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cheese, Chorizo and Onion Frittata with Za'atar

Yes, it's one more frittata recipe, I'm averaging about one per year recently:
2011 Pasta Frittata
2012 Vegetable Frittata, and mini Frittata Muffins
2013 Tex-Mex Pasta Frittata, and now today's concoction.

 I can't help myself, I love these easy-to-prepare, make-them-with-my-eyes-closed, tasty breakfast dishes. Frittatas are so versatile, adapting to whatever is in the fridge for a casual family meal or starring as the favorite item in a company brunch buffet. 

Easy to cook? Yes, super easy because I use the cooktop-plus-oven method. You could get fancy and flip the entire thing over to cook the second side; it's not a big deal and I've done that before. Flipping means turning the partially set frittata upside down on another plate and sliding it back into the skillet to finish cooking. It does require some careful attention and a steady hand... or a bit of luck. Pick your favorite method, the frittata will be delicious either way.

An Everything Frittata

Serves 2-4, depending on appetites


1 small onion, diced
1 small potato, cooked and diced (or rice or pasta)
1 link Chorizo sausage, diced (or bacon or other meat)
1 Roma tomato, diced
And/or any other tasty vegetables or other items you find in the fridge
1 heaping teaspoon seasoning; think assertive herbs and spices like za'atar, oregano, basil, smoked paprika, cumin, ground chili, etc.
salt and pepper, to taste
Basic Frittata Mixture:
1/2 - 1 cup shredded cheese (mix of hard cheese & melting cheese)
4 large eggs (or 3 eggs plus some liquid egg white mix)


1. Sauté & season the filling: Use a nonsitck skillet and cook the chorizo (or other meat) first. Discard most of the chorizo oil. Add the onion and potatoes and cook until the onion bits are softened and the potato has begun to brown. Stir in the tomato and seasonings and heat until warm. Taste and adjust seasonings; remember that this flavoring will stretch to include the egg/cheese mixture as well.

2. Add the Cheese: Spread the vegetables into an even layer; scatter 2/3 of the cheese on top and let it just start to melt.

3. Add the Eggs: Whisk the eggs and pour them over the filling and cheese; stir to incorporate. Cook until the eggs begin to set at the bottom and along the edges of the pan, pushing in the edges and tilting the pan to flow the liquid egg from the center onto the outer edges around the pan. When the liquid no longer runs move the pan into the oven.
4. Bake the Frittata: Put the entire pan into the oven and cook  until the eggs are nearly set. (Check by slicing into the center of the frittata.) Scatter the remaining cheese on top and return to the oven to finish cooking, but don't overcook. To crisp the top, broil for a minute or two until the cheese melts and begins to brown. Cool for several minutes before slicing into wedges. 

Serve with salsa, kimchi, sour cream or your favorite other accompaniments. Leftovers, if any, will keep for up to a week in the refrigerator. Enjoy them at room temperature or chilled.

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