
Sunday, April 5, 2015

In My Kitchen: April 2015

Happy Easter

...and welcome to my In My Kitchen post for April, a monthly blogging event sponsored by Celia of figjamandlimecordial. Drop by and take a peek inside kitchens around the world.

Travel has been the theme lately, in my kitchen and galley. If we're not coming or going, it seems we're preparing to do one or the other. Spring always means a couple of project-focused trips to the boat, and this year I squeezed in a quick flight to Southern California to visit Mom (and enjoy the warm, sunny weather).

In my kitchen ashore a hot air balloon invites flights of fancy to seashore, mountain and desert locales. I love this china pattern, "Up Up & Away" by Noritake, a set passed on from a special friend. While the design is far too busy use for photo shoots, the images are guaranteed to bring a smile every day when they greet me on the tabletop.

In my galley afloat the new cooktop has finally been uncrated and installed. The new exhaust fan assembly takes up more cabinet space, reducing the undercounter storage options, but I won't complain (much). It's a relief to have a reliable, functioning cooktop again, though it may take me a while to grow comfortable with the various burner options and controls. 

In my kitchen this week we had our choice of Easter eggs; several photo prop eggs stored on a bookcase, a plateful of Hilary's beautifully decorated egg cookies, and my Salmon Deviled Eggs with Lox Rosettes prepared for a Sunday brunch with friends. I'll admit to eating more than my share of the edible ones.

After a winter of heavy comfort food, I'm aiming for lighter, healthier meals with more fresh produce and fewer carbs. It's so tempting to bake bread and dozens more cookies than two people need, and the gorgeous photos on blogs and in cookbooks don't help my resolve. However, interesting salads and vegetable entrees satisfy the appetite enough so I don't often feel deprived. Local Spring produce is still a month or so away, but fast freight service keeps the markets stocked with beautiful fruits and vegetables. Grandma would be SO amazed!

Photo: Mixed greens and herbs with chicken salad and berries
Photo: Grilled vegetable taco with pickled onions
Photo: Poblano Potato Salad with Cilantro & Lemon Zest
Photo: Roasted Cherry Tomatoes with Herbs

Sourdough waffles remain a Sunday morning tradition - it would be such a waste to throw away the discard starter! Heavy on fruit and light on syrup, they are a welcome treat no matter what the season.
I feel quite virtuous about skipping any whipped cream topping.

Photo: Fresh fruit tops a sourdough waffle
  So, what's happening in your kitchen lately?


  1. Happy Easter to you, those salads look sensationally delicious!!! Jan x

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, I can hardly wait to get busy cooking in the galley.

  3. Happy Easter. What a tasty instalment.
    Have a beautiful day.
    :-) Mandy xo

    1. Thanks, Mandy. Back at you for a beautiful day.

  4. Love your new cook top in your floating kitchen and how lovely to spend some time at sea. Tasty looking salads. Enjoy :)

  5. Happy belated Easter and all of your salads look great! Love your cook top and thanks for this month's IMK view too!

    1. IMK facilitates so many interesting connections!

  6. Hi Dee! Happy Easter, love those pysanky-style eggs, and those waffles look great! TBH I have trouble throwing out the starter too, I use it for crackers...but I like your waffle idea better! :)

    1. I have trouble with crackers, but waffles are such an easy, tasty solution to excess starter.

  7. Love those stuffed eggs and salad, and the galley kitchen- heaven.

    1. Yup, we DO love our stuffed eggs, fancy or plain..

  8. Gee those eggs are beautiful and that is some galley!

    1. The space beyond the cooktop counter is part of the salon, our main living area; nicely open to the galley.

  9. I love the look of those devilled eggs with salmon, I might have to make some for dinner for us tonight. Thank you for sharing your IMK

    1. Thanks for visiting, Ania. Your decorated Easter eggs are works of art.

  10. Beautiful Easter eggs, and I love the look of your floating kitchen, I’d never come ashore!

    1. I DO love my galley, but after a week or two on anchor somewhere I'm always ready to pop ashore for a visit and a provisioning trip.

  11. oh yum everything looks so delicious on your post. that chicken and berry salad looks a winner. i bet you are enjoying your new cooktop now. and the pattern on the china is very cute. i am feeling hungry now.:)

    1. I've made friends with the new cooktop and can't wait to try out my new 2-burner grill/griddle plate. The black cooktop IS a challenge to keep clean and dustless - I think I dust it three times more than anything else on board! LOL

  12. Love your new cooktop and those deviled eggs look delicious. Great idea for a brunch. My husband and I lived on a boat for a year when we were first married, wonderful experience and we talk about it often. I'm looking forward to reading about your travels. We sailed in the San Juans a couple of decades ago.

    1. Welcome aboard, Liz. We feel SO fortunate to be able to travel in such beautiful portions of the Pacific Northwest.

  13. Great looking eggs. I am a sucker for deviled eggs, your version with salmon looms delicious. I am also loving all the fresh spring produce coming in. Our lettuce in the garden is almost ready to pick and I am so looking forward to all the salads. We went on our first strawberry picking trip yesterday, spring is GREAT! Enjoy cooking on your new cooktop.

    1. Oh how I envy you with fresh produce already. I'm looking forward to a trip to the garden store to pick out herbs to plant in my herb garden, and maybe a leaf lettuce or two to tuck into the empty corners.

  14. I so love the idea that you live and cook on a boat! That photo showing your living area with the water shining through the windows is incredibly appealing, even though I get seasick! :) Your salads look delicious and the Noritake set is gorgeous - is it a vintage design? My mother always treasured her Noritake set when I was growing up - it only ever came out for special occasions!

    1. Celia, thanks for visiting. The Noritake is an older design, 1973-1977; used everyday but treasured nonetheless since it came from special friend Colleen who passed away years ago. My floating galley is a joy to work in and the ever-changing scenery can't be beat. Cruising the Pacific Northwest and Inside Passage for 6 months each year since 2000 has been an amazing retirement adventure.


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