
Sunday, October 4, 2015

In My Kitchen; September/October 2015

The kitchen view to the southeast reminds me that no matter how warm the temperature, it is already Fall... ready or not, it's here. Put away the summer shorts and pull out the sweaters. We're back ashore, readjusting to life in town for the next several months. Eagles still fly overhead, Canadian geese still honk away to awaken us in the morning, but I find I miss the gentle rocking of the boat and the ready access to just-caught seafood. The seafood memory is one of the reasons why I love my assorted seafood plates and platters. 

In my kitchen...

... you will find a set of vintage, hand-painted porcelain koi plates discovered at a local shop in Seattle's Columbia City neighborhood. Each plate is unique, crowded with a lively swirl of colorful, schooling fish. The plates are more decorative than functional, but no matter. They bring a smile whenever I set them out for display.

In my kitchen...

...this shrimp platter is a heavy, more durable stoneware favorite. Some days it is displayed on a countertop stand, but more often it's tucked away in a stack of platters. Occasionally, like today, it's useful as a serving piece. Heated in a low-temperature oven, it kept a batch of spicy sweet potato fries warm at the table. (link)

In my kitchen...

...I'm back on crutches again, so niece Hilary and RL have been on kitchen duty. Oh my, we have dined well on their culinary efforts! It would be easy to continue "playing lady", but I miss my usual free-wheeling activity in the kitchen. 

...a spicy Roasted cauliflower sandwich was so incredibly flavorful that we didn't miss the meat. I know, I know, I can't believe I said that, but it's true. 

...we enjoyed yet another version of Okonomiyaki, Japanese Cabbage and Shrimp Pancakes, the product of a friendly kitchen cookoff between two dueling skillets.

...Garlicy Lemon Hummus with Raw Vegetables made a tempting light lunch and anytime snack. This chickpea spread might not be pretty, but hummus is SO delicious as a dip, a sandwich filling or straight off a spoon (shhhh, don't tell). 

...Hil pulled a multilayered, multiflavored, winning recipe from a magazine and produced this amazing dinner plate: grilled chicken, marinated chickpea salad, Greek salad with feta and a zippy tzatziki sauce, all piled high on a warm Greek pita. Flavorful, filling and fabulous! 

In my kitchen...

... I'm finding ways to maneuver with one crutch, often leaning on a counter or carefully slicing and dicing while seated on a stool. Lately I've been in charge of leftovers-for-lunch and finally did some baking. Old Faithful, my trusty sourdough starter, welcomed the opportunity to produce a fine loaf of no knead sourdough bread with walnuts and a beer kick. It's good to be easing, ever so slowly, back into action in my kitchen

What's happening in your kitchen these days? As usual, Celia at figjamandlimecordial is hosting her monthly linkup to kitchens around the world. Stop by and visit, won't you? 


  1. Hi Dee, you've had a busy kitchen with very colorful and tasty looking dishes. Wish you a speedy recovery. :)

    1. Thanks, Emily. The kitchen is my happy place on most days.

  2. i love your post this month. i love okonomiyaki too:) what a beautiful autumn scene at the top of the post. such lovely colours. and i adore the fishy platters and plates- just gorgeous.

    1. Hiya, Sherry. We share a fondness for many things, it seems. Lunch today will be my version of your potato soup with mushrooms - autumn comfort food for sure.

  3. What a feast to see here! That caulk sandwich sounds amazing. Good luck with the crutches :)

    1. Yes, my kitchen elves have outdone themselves with tasty meals this month. Thanks for the good wishes.

  4. Oh how annoying to have to limp around the kitchen. I bet you do miss cooking. So back on dry land for a while.....I am looking forward to seeing what fall is like for you

    1. Fall is a favorite season, though this one may include less outside activity than usual. Fall colors and a switch to comfort food cooking will keep me cheery.

  5. Hoping you get to be more comfortable soon, such lovely stuff in your kitchen this month! Happy October.

    1. Thanks, Ania. Your unusual unusual duck and sauerkraut recipe has me intrigued, but the petite madeleines caught my kitchen helper's attention.

  6. Dee, so sorry to hear about the crutch(es) in your kitchen -- and please forgive me for my "un-knowing-ness" -- will catch up w/u soon. (Already clicked on your links to the roasted cauliflower sammich and hummus to follow up on shortly, thanks!) So glad to know you're being well-taken care of (and well fed) while you're recuperating. Your initial "fall photo" portrays exactly how I feel about this Season, water included. Also LOVE your plates (functional or not.) Surround yourself with favorite serving pieces and FOOD! xo

    1. Thanks for visiting, Kim. I am indeed well fed and well taken care of, surrounded by supportive family and on-site and online friends.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your crutches but am glad you've been able to eat well whilst on them. The cauliflower sandwich has me intrigued and your koi plates are gorgeous!

    1. Too much good food and too little exercise is an interesting challenge lately. I'm ready to cover some more territory, even with the crutches.

  8. Your bread with walnuts and a beer is a stunner. Hope you are on the mend soon.

    1. Maybe a few mornings with some of your Power Porridge will speed up my progress, or at least get me off to a good start.

  9. So many delicious things in your 'IMK' post...we are big fans of sweet potato fries here at

  10. Gosh, I didn’t even know you had a ‘land home’. Are the crutches because you are getting your ‘land legs’? ; ) Your loaf looks great!
    The koi plates are a delight…

    1. Fiona, I'm fortunate to be on or near the water and still be at home in the Pacific NorthWest.

  11. Yum! Your sourdough looks wonderful! And I adore your beautiful seafoody plates, especially the koi one! :) Hope you're on the mend soon.. x

    1. Thanks for the positive bread comment - from you, the sourdough queen, this is an especially welcome compliment!


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