
Sunday, January 31, 2016

In My Kitchen February 2016

What do you do when you can't sleep but it feels way too early to leap out of bed and launch into the new day? Some days I read, or watch the morning news and market activity, or contemplate life until I do fall back asleep. Today a glance outside confirmed changeable weather heading our way, not at all inviting for an early morning walk. I chose to stay in my pajamas and headed downstairs to start the coffee. No problem, until I couldn't find my favorite coffee scoop. It turned up eventually, mixed up with other utensils in a drawer where it doesn't normally reside. 

After making the coffee I set about straightening the drawer, muttering only slightly about where RL had stored stuff. He likes to reorganize things and "make the kitchen more efficient". Grrrrrrrrr. This only happens in the house kitchen since the boat galley has such limited storage space (4 drawers in all). 

Photo: wet side of the galley with fridge in the far corner
Organizing one kitchen drawer led to a second, then a third, and I became aware of the number of single-purpose items in my utensil collection here ashore. How many other cooks of a certain age share my apparent fondness for kitchen gadgets, or my inability to toss the excess?  Instead of sharing new "stuff" or food items in my kitchen this month, here's a peek at a few of the items I evidently find too precious to part with.

In my kitchen drawers you will find...

-2 citrus juicers, both of which require significant hand strength and dexterity.

-a rice mold that is often forgotten, so I'll use a measuring cup instead.

-3 zesters, though only the long grater gets significant use.

-an olive ladle with almost useful drain holes.

-2, yes 2, meat mallets. Back in the day when we were active scuba divers (and harvesting abalone was legal) the smooth side of the smaller mallet was used to pound abalone as well.

-an old garlic press and new plastic garlic peel cylinder.
-2 hand scoops, plus another two I haven't located yet. The 2-tablespoon round scoop sees heavy use with cookie dough and occasional use forming meatballs. The paddle scoop was originally used in a restaurant, purpose unknown, but currently makes a sturdy ice cream scoop. RL always knows where this utensil is hiding stored.

In my kitchen ashore...

-there are plenty more drawers waiting to be organized, sorted, weeded, or whatever. 

Now I'm ready to quit for the day - or week - or whatever. When we built this house over 35 years ago I thought the kitchen storage would never be filled. While the cabinets and drawers aren't full yet, it's getting close. It's definitely time to pare the collection as I organize, since new treasures will need some space in the future.
For a peek into other kitchens around the world, click on Maureen's blog Orgasmic Chef. You will find links to an interesting group of bloggers with a lot going on in their kitchens.


  1. This post made me laugh. My ex-husband designed nuclear power plants and he was precise in everything he did. I once came home to find my pantry all in alphabetical order. That explains why he's now an ex but every time I think about it, I laugh. We haven't had a boat for years but when we did, I was amazed at what I dared to cook - both in the oven and in the BBQ. I think the best rack of lamb I ever ate was done on the bbq. I did find rolling pie dough tricky on the dining table but it worked. Living on a boat was the most peaceful time of my life. Thanks heaps for joining in on In My Kitchen!

    1. RL has an engineer's overactive love of order, but he's a "keeper". Living afloat for half a year has been a great part of retirement, though shoreside life is lovely during the winter. It's hard to imagine living away from the water.

  2. When you said "single-purpose items" I thought to myself, well, I don't have many of those. Guess what? I have just about every one you pictured. But I love my citrus reamer and garlic crusher! Funny how people vary.

    best... mae at

    1. Ah, I do seem to love my kitchen gadgets, Mae. It's the storage issue that's becoming "interesting", especially when the husband decides to help!

  3. I'm a collector or single-use kitchen gadgets. It's a problem!!!

    1. But it's such a harmless, fun and useful addiction.

  4. Your photo of Seattle sparks such wonderful memories. (I was there for a workshop at the East West Bookshop.) Your drawer photos motivate me to dig around in mine for my next InMyKitchen....And your rice molds make me want to make Mt Fuji rice mounds =) P.s. Glad to see the ice cream scooper is a staple in your home, too....Might be too cold to go out but never too cold to eat ice cream!

    1. I agree, it's always the season for ice cream!

  5. I think we all have more single use items than we are willing to admit. I recently went through drawers and got rid of a few but am due again, perhaps spring cleaning.

    1. Sometimes ir seems the "stuff" multiplies when the drawers close. That said, I love to find new or even antique gadgets when I'n a shop.

  6. I got rid of a lot of single purpose items when we recently moved but there were also some I couldn't part with either. Yours all look like they have so many memories to them as well. I enjoyed this post.

  7. So right, Vicki. Despite limited use, some of these little gadgets have strong sentimental attachments.

  8. yes i too am a gadget fiend. my drawers are bursting but i do actually move them now and then - but just to the downstairs cupboard :=) i am always on the lookout for more especially odd ones or vintage ones.

  9. You make me want to go through my drawers now but my nephew, who's 4, loves all my kitchen utensils! I don't think you can ever have too many ;) Great seeing you for #IMK

  10. We've moved house recently so a clear out became essential, but yes I too had loads of hardly used tools and gadgets that went to the charity shop. I do like my space to be organized,

  11. Great post Dee! I think we all have that drawer or more, to counteract I got into the habit of donating things that haven't been used in awhile to a happy new home. Also, I really like your coffee scoop! :)


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