
Monday, December 5, 2016

In My Kitchen - December 2016

The kitchen window bay and an adjacent counter hold pots of blooming paperwhites (narcissus). Planted just prior to Halloween the bulbs were intended to bloom for Thanksgiving, but waited instead until days after the holiday had passed. 

Now we have scads of blossoming narcissi, all but the one stubborn bulb that sits, still sulking, hunkered down in the pot full of gravel. Is it waiting to celebrate the new year instead? No matter, as other fragrant blooms now perfume the air with their pungent aroma for pre-Christmas enjoyment. I love the scent, but have read that others find it horribly objectionable (link). Hmmm, I imagine Paperwhite scented perfumes must elicit interesting responses at some crowded venues.

Pyracantha berries clipped from plants in the yard decorated the Thanksgiving table and continue to add color to the winter kitchen. On dreary, gray days I especially appreciate these little pops of color.

Speaking of color pops, check out these vivid Poppy silicone pot lids. They are functional and gorgeous, newly purchased online at Amazon on a whim after seeing the green, lilypad covers posted by Liz last month. More and more red items find their way into my kitchen each year.

This purple spoon holder doesn't have a color match anywhere in the kitchen, but it does add whimsical functionality along with a bit of color. Three cheers for silicone gadgetry. 

Another cute little tool, newly added to the gadget stash, has already seen useful action dusting sourdough loaves with flour and adding showers of powdered sugar to breakfast crepes. It is tiny but mighty... ok, mighty useful as a one-handed device that is tidier than using a small strainer. Gadget love continues.

November's shipment of fresh spices prompted reorganization of the spice cabinet. This time I remembered to date each jar; a useful habit to see which spices get heavy use and spot any old, underused spices that should just be discarded, certainly not replaced. Keeping track of spices afloat and ashore is an ongoing issue. This year it was hard to find tarragon, fresh or dried, in local groceries - what's up with that?  

Years ago Mom knit several corn cob potholders for my cast iron skillets. The yarn has faded, the potholders grown stained and worn with use, but I'm still fond of them. I could find a pattern and knit a few more, but replacements wouldn't hold the Mom connection. It might be time to switch to more practical silicone handle covers.

What do you eat when you cook for yourself? When RL was out of town for a week I enjoyed comfort food that I love but he's not fond of. For example...

bowls of long grain and wild rice with broccoli and cheese at dinner... 

spinach salad with a soft poached egg and walnut sourdough toasts for breakfast...

Brussels sprouts and mushroom hash...

pan-roasted yams and squash, solo and then in hash...

Only fresh fruits, no baked goods, made the dessert list during that week; no surprise there as savory tends to win out over sweets when I cook what I like. But now it's full speed ahead into holiday mode and there will be baking in my kitchen this month. C'mon by any time for a sweet treat and a visit.

Meanwhile, visit BizzyLizzysGoodThings to enjoy a peek into other kitchens around the world. The accomplished Lizzy (Australian writer, cook & traveler) hosts this fun IMK gathering each month


  1. Hello lovely... aren't those lids wonderful! Thank you so much for the very kind shout outs, and the peek into your December kitchen. Season's eatings to you and yours xxx

    1. The red lids are already seeing heavy use, such functional and colorful gadgets.

  2. I cannot find dried mint here! Love your spoon holder - it looks way better than mine. I should also date my spices :)

    1. Tandy, could there be a dried spice conspiracy worldwide? :)😊

  3. So many lovely things here! Those poppy lids are so cute and useful; a big word in our house. was it William Morris who said everything in your home should be beautiful and useful?:) love the little gadget and the hand made pot holders. Have a wonderful xmas. Xx

    1. The poppy lids DO fit the Wm. Morris requirement... considerably more so than some of my well-used kitchen equipment. Back at you with Christmas wishes.

  4. So many delicious dishes...I had a hard time choosing my favorite, but it might just be the toasted walnut bread. And your flowers are gorgeous!

    1. That walnut bread is my secret addiction - toasted & topped with a hint of butter and sprinkle of salt it is irresistible!

  5. How cute is that wooden spoon holder, what a great idea!

    1. I wonder who thinks of these things - useful gadgets that are new ideas for old issues.

  6. Like you I'm a big fan of those silicone lids, not just for drinks but for covering mixing bowls in the refrigerator, covering dishes to be microwaved, and so on. Nice kitchen stuff!

    best... mae at

  7. I love the poppy lids and I really must have one of those gadgets for dusting sugar and flour. You can never have too many gadgets! The corn cob potholders are a terrific idea and I'm not surprised that a replacement wouldn't be the same. It's terrific having items in the kitchen which offer a personal connection to family.

    1. I especially love gadgets that are easy to store as well as useful. Multipurpose functionality is a bonus, but not a deal breaker.


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